1.5 Steps for operating virtual simulation
Step 1. The VI screen as shown in Fig. 1.8 will appear after opening the VI. The slider is used to vary the desired damping ratio. The variation is showed by blue color in the slider. The different cases of free damped vibration at different damping ratios are shown by blink lights called Boolean in LabView. After running the VI, the Booleans will blink so that user can easily understand that the VI is running under that particular damping condition (written above the Booleans). User can vary the Frequency and Initial conditions (initial velocity and displacement) with the help of knobs to see the response of amplitude vs. time at different frequency and initial conditions.
Fig. 1.8: VI screen shot for Free damped vibration
Step 2. After opening the VI, press the continuous run button at the top left of the VI panel. Now the continuous run button color will turn to black. One can vary the different inputs frequency, initial conditions using the slider and knob at the panel. The response can be observed on the x-y graph display panel. The screen shot of VI panel after pressing the continuous run button is shown in Fig. 1.9.
Fig. 1.9: Screen shot of VI panel after pressing the continuous run button
Step 3. Give the inputs for damping ratio, Frequency and initial condition as per requirement with the help of slider and knobs, e.g. for under-damped case, damping ratio = 0.13, frequency = 33.3 rad/sec, initial velocity = 17.60 m/sec, initial displacement of x(0) = 18.38 m, the screen shot of VI panel is shown in Fig. 1.10.
Fig. 1.10: Screen shot of Under-damped case
Step 4. To stop the running VI, press the red stop button at the top left side of the panel
Step 5: To run the VI again follow from step 2.