Harmonicaly Excited Forced Vibration of a Single DOF System

2.4 Steps for operating virtual simulation


Step 1: The VI screen as shown in Fig.2.4 will appear after opening the VI.  The slider is used to vary the desired damping ratio. The variation is showed by green color in the slider. User can vary the damping ratio with the help of the slider to see the response of amplitude vs. frequency ratio and phase angle vs. frequency ratio at different damping ratios.


Fig. 2.4: Screen shot after opening the VI


Step 2:  After opening the VI, press the continuous run button at the top left of the VI panel. The screen shot of VI panel after pressing the run button will look like as shown in Fig. 2.5. The screen shot is showing the response at zero damping.


Fig. 2.5: Screen shot of VI panel after running it


Step 3:  Give the inputs for damping ratio, as per requirement with the help of slider. In the example damping ratio, ζ= 0.25 has been taken. The response can be obtained by using the equations (2.7) and (2.8) and is shown in Fig. 2.6. The green color line is showing amplitude vs. frequency response, and dark pink color line is showing phase angle vs. frequency ratio response. The screen shot of VI panel for damping ratio of ζ = 0.25 is shown in Fig. 2.6.


Fig. 2.6: Screen shot of VI showing response at damping ratio of 0.25


Step 4: To stop the running VI, press the red stop button at the top left side of the panel.


Step 5 To run it again repeat from step 2.